Wednesday, June 19, 2024
The ECPM members gathered today in a special assembly following the European elections to debrief, to present the campaign and results and to reflect on lessons learned.
The campaign manager presented in depth the activities of ECPM in the EU member states to raise awareness about the European dimension of the elections, the media exposure and highlights of the campaign. It was shown that there is a significant rise in the recognition of the ECPM brand and profile lately and that our presence and voice on the Maastricht debate stage was a historical accomplishment.
During the assembly, we officially welcomed PNCR- Romanian National Conservative Party, led by MEP Cristian Terhes who spoke about the creation of the new party and the strategy for growth and participating at the next Romanian elections.
Members present were informed and given a printed copy of the newly adopted Code of Conduct and emphasized its importance and adherence to it. All of the members of ECPM were given access to it, whether digitally or in print.
We have also reviewed and accepted the financial audit and report for the previous year and have discussed opportunities to grow the financial sustainability of our party.
The meeting concluded with contributions about the future of ECPM and ways to continue building the party during the next mandate.