Anja Haga

Anja Haga

Party: ChristenUnie/SGP
Country: The Netherlands
Website:  / MEP page

Anja Haga is a Christian with a green heart. She lives plastic-free and is an expert in environment and climate policy at European level and she is active in the field of religious freedom.

Ms. Haga is a former member of the Dutch Parliament of Friesland and former alderman of Arnhem. Furthermore, she worked as Strategic Policy Advisor for the Dutch Forestry Department.

In the European Parliament, she is member of the Parliamentary Committee on Fisheries (PECH), a member of the Subcommittee on Human Rights (DROI), of the Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET), and she is part of the Delegation for Relations with South Asian Countries (DSAS).

As Member of the European Parliament she fights for strengthening Freedom of Religion or Belief, for Creation Care and a plastic-free Europe, and a solidarity-based asylum policy.

Ms. Haga lives with her husband in Dokkum, The Netherlands. 

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Bergstraat 33
3811 NG Amersfoort
The Netherlands
+31 33 304 0011

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