Climate Crisis: What Should a Christian Do About It?

Saturday, September 28, 2019 14:00 - Saturday, September 28, 2019 17:00

Climate Crisis: What Should a Christian Do About It?

28 September 2019

The Instituto do Pensamento Lusitano cooperated with the European Christian Political Movement to produce an event called Climate Crisis: What Should a Christian Do? on 28 September 2019 in Lisbon, Portugal.

In the first part of the event, Adriana Rus, Communications Officer for ECPM, being translated by Cândido de Mota, held a presentation on the ECPM- its history and values, as well as its achievements at the national and European level. She emphasized that part of ECPM’s vision of a sustainable and just economy is also the fight against climate change, pollution and the destruction of the environment.

Then followed the main speaker of the event: Marcial Felgueiras, Executive Director of the organization A Rocha Portugal. He spoke about our identity as Christians charged with taking care of the creation that God made and encouraged everyone to act accordingly when going about their daily lives, when traveling, when making decisions about what to eat, when voting etc. There were questions from the audience and a short discussion on the use of plastics and microplastics ensued and the damage it does to our oceans. He shared with everyone in the audience a booklet produced by the A Rocha organization, called The Practical Guide of Home Ecology (in Portuguese), a useful tool to remind us to be aware of our small daily life decisions.

In the audience there were members of the Instituto do Pensamento Lusitano, also members of the Partido Popular Monarquico and others concerned about the climate and the protection of the environment, mostly young people.


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