Update on ECPM activities amid the corona virus outbreak

Monday, March 23, 2020

Update on ECPM activities amid the corona virus outbreak

News about the corona virus pandemic is flooding our feeds, inboxes and consciences and the anxiety is at an all-time high. Everything from economy to politics seems to be going from bad to worse. It is easy in times like these to get overwhelmed or hopeless.

However, even as things shift around us, we put our trust in God and we can be unshakeable. This kind of faith strengthens us to face the storm, reminds us that God is our rock and that we can lean on Him who promised to never leave or forsake us.

Given the restrictions that were introduced during this corona virus crisis, ECPM had to cancel all its events and travel for the moment. It is not a desirable situation, but we trust God and we recognize the difficult decisions the EU and national leaders are making as things change rapidly. We are committed to complying with the new safety guidelines in place in order to protect the vulnerable and not strain medical services and providers.

Even though we won’t be able to interact face to face for a while, we encourage you to stay connected to us and to each other through social media, text messages, phone calls and so on. Join us in a decision to stay calm and hopeful, to not allow conspiracy theories or discriminatory name-calling to take root and to remain generous and loving, as Christ’s children should.

Uncertain times can fill us with fear, but we can believe that God is still trustworthy to carry us through. As Psalm 91 says, […]my Lord is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust. […] No harm will overtake you; no disaster will come near your door.

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From 2010 on, the activities of the ECPM are financially supported by the European Parliament. The liability for any communication or publication by the ECPM, in any form and any medium, rests with the ECPM. The European Parliament is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.